Understanding Moats Around Industrial Businesses

Looking Beyond the Surface

Unveiling the Moats of Industrial Businesses: Beyond Tangibles

Moats, the competitive advantages that protect businesses from rivals and ensure their long-term success, are often regarded as key factors in evaluating companies. When it comes to industrial businesses, however, the moat lies beyond conventional measures such as intellectual property, contracts, or tangible assets. In this article, we will delve into the less explored yet highly significant aspects that constitute the moats of industrial businesses: the technology stack, competency stack, and relationships. Understanding these components can provide valuable insights into assessing the potential of industrial enterprises.

The Power of the Technology Stack: Industrial businesses are built upon a foundation of carefully curated technologies, each serving a specific purpose. These technology stacks encompass a collection of tools, systems, and processes that have been fine-tuned to perform precise tasks. While it may seem challenging to discern the nuances of these technologies, seeking expert advice can illuminate their significance. By identifying the key elements of a business's technology stack, one can gauge its ability to deliver specialized solutions, optimize production processes, and adapt to changing market demands.

Unveiling the Competency Stack: 

Over time, industrial businesses develop their own unique approaches to deploying technology and talent. This specialized approach, known as the competency stack, encompasses both technical and commercial processes. It involves a combination of practices, strategies, and methodologies that define how the company interacts with customers, optimizes operations, and achieves superior results. Furthermore, the competency stack extends to the specific skills and personalities the business tends to cultivate, attract, and promote. By understanding a company's competency stack, one can assess its ability to outperform competitors, cater to specific customer needs, and maintain a sustainable advantage.

The Significance of Relationships: 

While technological prowess and internal processes play vital roles, the strength of a business's relationships cannot be overlooked. Industrial enterprises thrive on the connections they establish within their industry and the broader market. These relationships encompass not only the customers they serve but also the network of suppliers, partners, and industry stakeholders they engage with. A company's reputation, perceived value, and the overall sentiment surrounding its brand significantly impact its growth and earnings. Understanding how a business is perceived, the level of trust it has built, and its ability to foster strong relationships can provide insights into its competitive position and growth potential.

Evaluating Industrial Businesses: 

When evaluating industrial businesses, a holistic approach is essential. Instead of solely focusing on traditional indicators, a thorough analysis of the technology stack, competency stack, and relationships is crucial. These three components collectively define the moat of an industrial business and can provide a comprehensive understanding of its potential for success. By assessing the strength and uniqueness of a company's technology stack, its ability to leverage its competency stack effectively, and the depth of its relationships, investors and stakeholders can make informed decisions.


Moats in industrial businesses go beyond tangible assets and conventional measures. The technology stack, competency stack, and relationships form the foundation of their competitive advantage. Understanding and evaluating these elements provide valuable insights into a company's potential for growth and long-term success. By considering the nuanced interplay between technology, competency, and relationships, investors and stakeholders can navigate the industrial landscape with greater confidence and seize opportunities for prosperity.